About us

      In North India, there is a state namely, Himachal Pradesh. In Himachal Pradesh, there are twelev districts. These districts are very beautiful and contains greenery every where. Chamba is one of the districts of Himachal Pradesh. This district is not very large like big cities in India (Delhi, Bombay, etc.). Chamba is a hilly area. According to the census held on 2001, the population of Chamba was near about 20,312 people. There is a river namey, Raavi River, running throughout the district.

      We people working on this website, really want to keep alive the culture and traditional style of Chambeali language. We are just trying to avail the people of chamba a website, where they can read many things in their own language. It seems quite interesting to read, listen, watch and download something about our own local place, speacialy when we are online. It is really a great experience to have many audios, videos in our local language. That is why, we have decided to build a website which is fully equipped with the local language of Chamba, which is Chambeali Language.

      Every language has it's own importance. Chambeali language is really very important, and we want to keep this importance to it's higher level so that the people of chamba came to know that their language is very popular and interesting language.

You can also send us feedback/suggestions through e-mail at arunnw@gmail.com.

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